
    Koivumaki, Marja-Riitta.
    Dramaturgical Approach in Cinema - Eltmtnts of Poetic Dramaturgy in A. Tarkovsky's Films : monograph / M. -R. Koivumaki. - Helsinki : Aalto ARTS Books, 2016. - 155 p. : il. - (Doctoral Dissertation). - Published literature and Filmography: p.93-101. Appendix: p.103-155 (3 articls; references). - ISBN 978-952-60-6633-2 : 189.00 р.
Рубрики: Биографии деятелей советского и российского кино.--Кинорежиссеры--Тарковский А.
   Драматургия художественно игрового кино--Общие вопросы

Аннотация: In spite of the wealth of screewriting manuals and guidebooks on how to write a screenplay, there are, nevertheless, few critical academic studis on dramaturgical techniques from the screenwriter's perspective. Thisthesis, building on the tradition of drama theories, expands and deepens understanding of the contribution and function of the screenplay within the film-macing process, generates new knowledge ofdramatic writing for him practitioners, and provides f refletion on contemporary dramaturgical strategies, methods and techniques in film-making. This thesis introduces the dramaturgical approach in film, which is employed as a fraework for a dramaturgical analysis of two of Andrei Tarkovsky's films - Ivan's Childhood (1962) and Nostalgia (1983). The analysis identifies certain dramaturgical tools and techniques, which differ fromthose of classical dramaturgy and which can be characterized as tools of poetic dramaturgy. V/-R/ Koivumaki is a Lecturer in Screenwriting at the Department of Film, TV and Scenography at Aalto University, Helsinki. She has studied at the Moscow Film School and has worked as dramaturge, screenwriting tutor and screenwriter in the UK and Dtnmark. Монография посвящена драматургическим подходам в кино на примере анализа поэтики драматургии фильмов Андрея Тарковского "Иваново детство" (1962) и "Ностальгия" (1983). Монография содержит введение, теоретический анализ драматургии фильма, его структуры, построение драматургических элементов киносценария и элементов поэтики драматургии, сравнительный анализ сценария и драматургии указанных фильмов. В начале издания дан краткий обзор по теме, благодарности, список работ автора.

Доп.точки доступа:
Tarkovski, Andrei (1932-1986) \о нем\
Экземпляры всего: 2
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