778.5(092)5"Yusov V."

    Yusov Vadim. The lifetime achievement award - plus + Camerimage 2012 : album / concept: M. Zydowicz ; ed.-in-chief: M. Zebrowski ; editorial board:: M. Andreyeva, A. Bucowiecki ; text: K. Taras; Yusov's private archives. - Bydgoszcz (Poland) : International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, 2012. - 246 p. : фот., фот.цв. - (Plus + Camerimage). - Filmogr.: p.11-14. Bibliogr.: p.22. Notes: p.20, 53-58. Index: p.240-246. - ISBN 978-83-61580-11-9 : 00.00 р.
Рубрики: Биография деятелей советского и российского кино.--Кинооператоры--Юсов В.
   Фотографические снимки

Аннотация: This edition is published in a series on plus Camerimage Lifetime Achievement Award Laureates. Each year Plus Camerimage recognises one of the most brilliant cinematographers, awarding the Golden Frog Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition, the Plus Camerimage Festival staff prepares a special album devoted to life and work of the Award's laureate. Thus far, the Plus Camerimage album series had the honour of commemorating the achievements of Sven Nykvist, Vittorio Storaro, Conrad Hall, Haskell Wexler, Vilmos Zsigmond, Laszlo Kovacs, Giuseppe Rotunno, Billy Williams, Owen Roizman, Freddie Francis, Tonino Delli Colli, Robby Muller, Stephen Goldblatt, Pierre Lhomme, Dante Spinotti, Michael Ballhaus, John Seale and Vadim Yusov. Marek Zydowicz, the festival director: "Vadim Yusov grew up and worked in a reality filled with monumentality, fondness for epics, pathos, and mythic heroes. He rediscovered beauty and dignity in everyday matters, ordinary people, and in the "low-key" aesthetic advocated by Trauberg. Yusov's images strike us today for their harmonious composition and content. They touch the heart of the story and the experiences of the protagonists, and cut through the layers of cliches to reach what is still undiscovered. It is painting and poetry combined." The book's Contents: "Introdution", "Biography", "Filmography", "One must try hard to get lucky - the phenomenon of Vadim Yusov", "Vadim Ivanovich speaks...", Selected films", "Selected diplomas and awards", "Private album", "Index".

Доп.точки доступа:
Zydowicz, M. \concept:.\; Zebrowski, M. \ed.-in-chief:.\; Andreyeva, M. \editorial board:.\; Bucowiecki, A. \editorial board:.\; Taras; Yusov's private archives, K. \text:.\; Yusov, Vadim (1929-2013), the sov. cameraman \о нем\; Юсов, Вадим Иванович (1929-2013), сов., рос. киноопер. \о нем\
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