Вид документа : Однотомное издание
Шифр издания : 75.05/C86
Автор(ы) : Cowen , Painton
Заглавие : English Stained Glass : album
Выходные данные : London: Thames & Huds0n, 2008
Колич.характеристики :128 p.: il. (200 colour)
Примечания : (Engl. lang.). - Glossary: p.124-125. Bibliogr.: p.125. Index: p.126-128.
ISBN, Цена 978-0-500-23846-2: 648.00, 648.00, р.
УДК : 75.05 + 755
Предметные рубрики: Живопись-- Монументальная-- Фреска. Мозаика. Витражи
Живопись-- Религиозная
Аннотация: Painton Cowen is one of the world's foremost photographers of and writers on stained glass. His previous publications include the highly acclaimed "The Rose Window" (2005), and he is an Honorary Research Associate at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York. Stained glass is one of the glories of medieval art, and much of the finest glass can be found in England. Intensely moving in its beauty, starting in its colours and fascinating in its imagery, it has for centuries captivated visitors to churches and cathedrals. This book presents the masterpieces of English stained glass as never seen befor. Covering the entire golden age, from 1100 to 1530, it reveals in astonishing new detail over one hundred windows and panels, spanning the regions and showing that one never has to travel far to see something special. Nothing significant is comitted and the most important monuments, including the cathedrals of Canterbury, Wells, and Lincoln, as well as York Minster, among many others, are covered in extra depth. For the interested visitor, the passionate devotee, or anybody simply enchanted by these fragile works of art, "English Stained Glass" will inform, enchant and delight. With 200 cjlour illustrations.
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