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Электронный каталог библиотеки ВГИК (на иностранных языках) - результаты поиска

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    Christopher Couch, N. C.
    Jerry Robinson: Ambassador of Comics : book-album / N. C. Christopher Couch ; introdtion: P. Hamill ; foreword: D. O' Neil. - New York : Abrams ComicArts, 2010. - 223 p. : il. - Sources: p.221. Index: p.222-223. - ISBN 978-0-8109-7764-8 : 590.00 р.
Рубрики: Рисунок
   Мультипликационное кино. --Анимационное кино

   Экранизация литературного произведения

   Зарубежное киноискусство--Американское кино--США

   Прочие драматургические жанры

Аннотация: Jerry Robinson is one of the living legends of American comics. As a memberof the original Batman team, he created the first and vjst iconic of all superviillains, the Joker, andco-created Robin. the archetypal sidekick. During the Golden and Silver Ages of comics, Robinson wored on every comic book genre there was, andbrought to life his own super herous, such as London, Jet Scott, and Atoman. His artistry also extended beyond comic books into editorial cartooning and popular syndicated strips such as Still Life and Flubs a Fluffs, as well as magazine and book illustration, fine arts, academia, and humanitarian affairs, Robinson has been an influential teacher, an international lecturer. an important curator of cartooning art exhibits, and a tireless champion of artists' rights. "Derry Robinson: Ambassador of Comiics is a rich, fully illustrated collection of work from Robinson's lengthy career. This seminal book was written in collaboration with the artist himself and includes original scetches, ink drawings, and photographs, many of them shown here for the first time.

Доп.точки доступа:
Hamill, Pete \introdtion:.\; O' Neil, Dennis \foreword:.\; Робинсон, Джерри (1922-2011), амер. худож., мастер комиксов \о нем\
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